Artwork > Fiber Works Gallery

woven reed basket with felted wool and silk surface
Summer Sky, a fiber vessel
reed, wool, silk, waxed linen, silk stitching
10 x 12 x 12

My woven and coiled baskets provide the structure for my imagery which floats across the surface .The translucence of the silk allows investigation of the basket underneath. I employ multiple techniques to merge layers of silk gauze, wool, surface embroidery and hand woven tapestry ,
I wove this basket using a Japanese twill technique, The embroidery is done by hand with hand dyed silk thread on nuno felted wool and silk gauze.
This work toured with exhibition funding from Delaware Division of the Arts with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Exhibited at an invitational for juried members of the Embroiderer's Guild of America in Santa Fe NM